Release: (Jun 28  2022) Bugfix
	- remove using namespace os, I like to see the api class namespace in the code

	- bugfix: add extra compile checks (g++ -c -O2 -Wall -Wextra)

	- bugfix: change settings folder from "/config/Manager/types.conf" to "/Settings/Manager/mimetypes.conf"

	- codetidy: move label enums from folderWindow.cpp to folderWindow.h

	- upgrade: add ID_BUTTON_UP and supporting execution code
	- upgrade: add ID_BUTTON_REFRESH and supporting execution code
	- upgrade: add ID_LOCATION_BAR_INVOKED and supporting execution code
	- upgrade: add extra info to about alert window

	- codetidy: move ltostr method from folderWindow.cpp to ltostr.h

Release: (May 26  2022) Codetidy
	- codetidy: run sindent over main.cpp main.h folderWindow.cpp folderWindow.h
	- codetidy: run sindent over filesView.cpp filesView.h mimeTable.h mimeTable.cpp

	- codetidy: move class ManagerApplication declaration from main.cpp to main.h

	- codetidy: move included api header files for class folderWindow from main.h to folderWindow.h
	- codetidy: move 'struct _appConfig' from main.h to folderWindow.h

Release: (Jun 28  2021) DirectoryView
	- error:  make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop
	- bugfix: rm -f main.o folderWindow.o filesView.o mimeTable.o

	- error:  /usr/indexes/bin/ld: cannot find -latheos
	- bugfix: -lsyllable

	- error:  '::main' must return 'int'
	- bugfix: int main()

	- warning: file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header
	- bugfix:  #include 

	- error:  undefined reference to `os::DirectoryView::SetPath(os::String const&)'
	- error:  undefined reference to `os::DirectoryView::ReRead()'
	- error:  undefined reference to `os::DirectoryView::GetPath() const'
	- error:  undefined reference to `os::DirectoryView::DirectoryView(os::Rect const&, os::String const&, unsigned int, uns
	- error:  undefined reference to `os::DirectoryView::SetDirChangeMsg(os::Message*)'
	- error:  undefined reference to `os::DirectoryView::DirectoryView(os::Rect const&, os::String const&, unsigned int, uns
	- error:  undefined reference to `os::DirectoryView::SetDirChangeMsg(os::Message*)'
	- bugfix: DO NOT USE  header, libsyllable directoryview class has compile errors

	- error:   cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'os::FileRow'
	- note:    virtual float os::ListViewRow::GetWidth(os::View*, int) const
	- error:   cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'os::FileRow'
	- note:    virtual float os::ListViewRow::GetHeight(os::View*) const
	- bugfix:  directoryview class has been neglected and bugs have creeped in
	- bugfix:  ignore , and use local directoryview.cpp/directoryview.h files
	- bugfix:  edit source files to #include "directoryview.h"
	- bugfix:  add directoryview.o to Makefile
	- bugfix:  remove const from GetWidth(...) and GetHeight(...)

	- warning: file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header
	- bugfix:  #include 

	- error: 'strstream' is not a member of 'std'
	- bugfix: stringstream

	- error: 'struct std::stringstream' has no member named 'pcount'
	- bugfix: cMsg.str().length()

First Release: (Feb 11  2002)